Business Strategy Support

Where Can You Use Deep Expertise in Food & Beverage Manufacturing?

Strategic Planning

Is it time for 2- and 5-year strategic planning?

Allow our brain trust of technical leaders to facilitate your Business Planning. Ensuring you have a resource of new platform ideas, required capital expenditure, and expected personnel capabilities will build success into the plan.

Project Path Assessment and Design

Are you a B2B company with a heavy load of customer specific projects? Let us implement a solid, well-practiced method of project assessment, methodology, and communication that increases efficiency and customer delight!  

Chief Technical Officer - Research & Development

Have a new Packaged Goods Product idea but not sure it will get through distribution and land on store shelves intact - and with a proper shelf life? We can help! Let us test your packaged product for resiliency, and put it through adverse conditions testing. We can test shelf-stable food items for pH and water activity too – the 2 analytical tests the FDA uses to determine if food are safe at ambient conditions.

Are you buying new equipment, or putting in a whole new line? Make sure you have a high-level technical person like Michelle Frame on your side of the table! From Line Design considering User Experience; to ensuring you have the right equipment without buying a rocket ship when you only need a bicycle; Michelle supports you with the vision and experience that comes with implementing capital projects across 30+ years of manufacturing.